Quirky Submission: Back Saver Bucket

I helped Ben Haulenbeek (my friend/roomate) out with his great idea which he submitted to Quirky.  If you haven't heard of the site, it is a community based product development website/company. We mulled over a few of the possible scenarios that he had imagined in which this could be realized.  We arrived at the two solutions which I have sketched up, here is a part of Ben's description:

"We have all used the ubiquitous five gallon bucket, and if you have ever tried to dump the contents of a fully loaded one you know that ergonomics were not part of the design process. The solution that is the Back Saver Bucket preserves the integrity of the original design but drastically improves the usability. Based on the concept of simply adding a second handle I have devised a universal retrofit solution for existing buckets, and an altogether new bucket design."
If you like this idea then I encourage you to visit the Quirky website and vote for it.  Hopefully it will end up in production and save a few peoples backs.... And then Ben will have the money to pay me for the couple of hours I spent on the design work ;).