Score! Vintage design books!

I was perusing the Dallas Half-Price book store (the largest in the country and company headquarter F.Y.I) when I happened upon these design gems of the late 70's/early 80's. Both books cover the everything a good design book should in their respective field (grids, thumbnails, prospective, line weight, even airbrushing! etc).

The Language of Layout by Bud Donahue 1978
Design Rendering Techniques by Dick Powell 1985

I would recommend both of these books for three reasons. 1 historic relevance. It was interesting to see the way designers use to work before computers where heavly used. 2- Awesome blow your mind visuals AKA hand drawn exploded views of a generator. 3- Cheap I walked away with both of these great resources for about 17 bucks. And you'll see in both of them what most current (more expensive) guides will show you. Happy bidding/amazon hunting.